In September, the City closed the competitive pool and leisure pool due to the following reconstruction needed to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the community (Photographs can be viewed by clicking here):
- Remove and replace all light fixtures
- Remove and replace the supports for sound panels, the large screens on walls and ceilings that reduce noise in large spaces
- Refinish and reinstall all sound panels
- Remove and replace the fire suppression system, all pipes, and sprinkler devices
- Remove and replace all electrical conduits and supports
- Repair roof due to water damages from failure of the air handler
- Remove and replace two (2) air handlers for leisure pool and competitive pool
- Remove and replace ventilation system inside pools
- Remove stairway for slides, as repairs not possible
- Remove slides, as exterior slides cause imbalance to air handling when users reenter building from the outside
- Re-support the large exterior windows due to the rusting of the interior supports
- Remove and replace all corroded doors and make entryways ADA compliant
- Paint the interior of pools with proper product to minimize moisture seeping into entire facility
- Add safety gates for exits off splash pad and proper signs for code compliance
The City’s consultant completed construction drawings and specifications for the above work and all of the items were ready for public bidding. However, further investigations related to the above work revealed the following additional and necessary reconstruction:
- Demolish and remove existing, failed pool finish
- Determine repairs necessary for pool ‘floor’ once pool finish is removed
- Determine extent of damages inside pool walls due to corrosion/chemical exposures
- Determine if pools’ plumbing requires repairs (to drain/fill pools) using leak detection tests
- Repair valves required for the pools’ plumbing
- Determine proper finish to protect pools’ cement infrastructure
- Protect air handlers from plaster dust during demolition work
- Add protection and repairs to plumbing, flooring, and walls, and the proper pool finish for both pools into the public bidding documents in a manner that will ensure warranties for products and work
When all investigations are complete, all reconstruction work will be publicly bid. Based on the extent of the work and the amount of money needed for the repairs, it is critical that this reconstruction be completed efficiently and in the most cost-effective way. Thus, the City is making thorough, professional investigations to ensure all of the necessary work is addressed and is done right. Unfortunately, there is no estimate for when the aquatics center will reopen but the City will continue to provide updates on the project on our website We thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this essential health, safety, and welfare project. Should you have any questions regarding the closure or the project, please contact the Mayor’s Office at (440) 356-4411 or